Loving the Penguin
Banksy in Paris

Wicked Syt

Spotted this wonderful grafitti near Archway in London.

Whilst I may not buy into Saatchi's Lovemarks like J C Penny has, it's a fact that some brands achieve a place in our hearts / minds that is way beyond favourability or preference.

[Note: I also can't believe there is going to be a sequel to Lovemarks - The Lovemarks Effect. For a good review of Lovemarks see Russell. ]

And to large extent I think this is founded on what they do, not what they say.

Or, more accurately, brands for whom there is no disconnect between their communication and their service/product, where brand behaviour is a template for everything the company ever does and when this behaviour somehow strikes a chord with people, that cuts through the well established cynicism with which real people treat companies.

So perhaps looking at how these 200 brands that have been nominated as Lovemarks  by real people will allow us to pick up some clues.

Looking at Apple, Superman, Google, Family Guy, The Beatles, 42 Below and LEGO as examples of brands that have got it right probably isn't a bad place to start.
