Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
September 12, 2007
The title of this post is really the overall title for our exciting serialisation of "The Shocking History of Advertising!", which continues today:
[On Guerilla Projections]
The year after 1894 produced some ingenious examples of desecration. After dark on Traflagar Day in London, advertisements for pills, blacking, and watches were projected on to to the side of Nelson's Column by a magic lantern device, and also, for the sake of variety, on to the pillars of the National Gallery.
S.C.A.P.A [Society for Checking of the Abuses in Public Advertising] took counsel's advice and were informed that 'the owners of the building's affected by the advertisement can proceed for trespass or nuisance.'
But, asked the Society, 'Cannot the County Council or the First Commissioner of Works do something for us at once?' A resourceful reader of The Times suggested 'jamming' the advertisements by a more powerful beam. Eventually the offenders desisted, after being informed that if they did not the necessary legislation would be sought.
For a modern version of the magic lantern, check out this film from the Graffiti Research Labs.
[Sent to me by Robin.]