Myth of the Near Future
10 Things You Should Have Read

Happiness Brands

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I saw Jane McGonigal speak this morning at the Boards Summit.

She was completely awesome. She calls herself a happiness hacker [this may be even better than being a ninja].

She did a version of the speech Dan transcribed from SXSW, tailored to advertisers and brand agents and the makers of brand stuff.

However she has also posted her slides this time - above.

I love the idea that we are Happiness Engineers.

She makes the point that the reason games are so passionately enjoyed by millions of people is that that games engage all the reward mechanisms in your brain in a structured way - they are happiness engines.

So applying some of these mechanisms in other ways, in the world, could make people's lives more fun, less boring, more satisfying and that by providing an alternate way to experience the world:

A brand is defined by how great an increase in real happiness, or well-being it generates - because happiness is the new capital.
