Post Web: Wind Tunnel
July 24, 2009
Virtual Wind Tunnel for Audi from Apex on Vimeo.
My mate Neil did one on this interactive wind tunnel installation for Audi.
This is what he says about it:
[This is how real geeks explain stuff to each other.]
[The track little fluffy clouds brought a nostalgic grin to my face.]
I've been thinking about installations a lot. I think there's a lot we could learn from them.
See, with an interactive installation, it has to be obvious and fun.
It has to grab you right off and make you pause and want to spend time with it.
It has to explain what it is and how it works without saying anything [this is a property known as affordance].
It has to create an experience around a person.
In fact, it's only complete, in some ways, when a person is inside it and using it - the person, the user, the audience, the multiplier, the consumer if you won't, is a necessary and active component of the system.
Not so much WYSIWYG as What You Do Is What You See. Or Something.
Anyway, I suspect that all of these properties should also be included in brand related experiences of all kinds, especially those aimed at the participatory audience.
For the new idea consumer, everything is interactive.
If the first era of the web consisted primarily of the transposition of other media formats to it, and the 2.0 era reflected the fact that everything should be considered a cultural collaboration of sorts, then perhaps the 3rd is when we take the things the web has taught us about how people consumer and create ideas and export them back to other media, back into the world outside the screens.
As Neil likes to say - its Post-Web.
[See more of his stuff here.]