To Tweet or Not To Tweet
September 22, 2009
Which is the really quite long title to this piece I wrote for Admap this month.
It riffs off the cultural latency thought I've been developing, and tracks the rise of twitter along Gartner's Hype Cycle.
Then it goes here:
The most interesting effect of new communication technologies is, perhaps, not how we use them, but how they change how we use everything else. An addition to the communication ecosystem does not simply increase the number of options – it changes the system itself.
The emergence of the internet as a content distribution channel changes what television is for and how it should be used, regardless of whether or not a TV campaign has a digital component – the world does.
Which pretty much sums up how I feel about the impact of 'digital' on 'traditional' advertising - although I'd like us to stop using those terms now please because they aren't really helping. Thanks.
You can read the whole piece here: Download Admap - To Tweet or Not To Tweet - Faris - let me know what you think.