Pop is Short for Popular
Chief Culture Officer

Being Nice and Social

Whilst in London I took the opportunity to 'gatecrash' a Yuletide Tea with the IPA Socialites.

[Lovely it was too -high tea with scones and clotted cream and everything - and very nice to see everyone.]

This reminded me that I hadn't posted the collective fruits of our labors - what we came together to do - which was to continue the conversations of social type stuff beyond the static dead tree format of the IPA Social Media Futures report.

And so to that.

Some very nice smart people got together and had a think about this thing we currently call social media and how it might be approached by our industry. 

Up top is a video version of Be Nice or Leave - my introduction to social engagement thing, that has been finding its way back into my inbox and onto the web a lot recently - and since I never posted it, I thought I would.

Here is a deck the Neil wrote which introduce the conversational sparks:

Neil Perkin's presentation from IPA Social Oct 09

And here, for your reading pleasure, are the full length iterations

  1. Mark EarlsPeople not consumers
  2. Le’Nise BrothersSocial agenda not business agenda
  3. John WillshireContinuous conversation not campaigning
  4. Faris YakobLong term impacts not quick fixes
  5. Katy LindemannMarketing with people not to people
  6. Neil PerkinBeing authentic not persuasive
  7. Jamie CoomberPerpetual beta
  8. Amelia TorodeTechnology changes, people don’t
  9. Graeme WoodChange will never be this slow again
  10. Asi SharabiMeasure and evaluate

Robin then responded with some thoughts of his own about our advertising-centric approach and, of course, the perennial question of who is best placed to do what - which I append here as a relevant continuation of the conversation.

Feel free to comment - that's very much the idea.
