Chief Culture Officer
December 09, 2009
Earlier this year I was delighted to receive an unbound pre-print copy of Grant McCracken's new book: Chief Culture Officer - for reasons best known to Grant he decided to solicit a blurb from me.
[Isn't it awesome that blurb is a real word?]
Here's what I said:
“In Chief Culture Officer, Grant McCracken highlights the increasing importance of cultural understanding for brands that wish to remain relevant—and profitable—in the protean flux of the modern marketplace, as he carves out a new role for the 21st century corporation.
The best marketers can hope for is to create something that resonates so strongly it becomes part of our cultural fabric. This book is an indispensable tool for achieving that goal.”
And I stand by it.
[Especially the bit about the protean flux of the modern marketplace - I liked that, despite the tautology.]
Grant's brilliant and he's pulled together some great ideas, frameworks and case studies - you should go read it - and then see if you don't want to become Chief Culture Officer.
[I may change my job title.]
Being a modern and social book it has a Ning to go along with it.
So - since I got a copy free in exchange for blurbing [real world status uncertain but definitely used] it only seems fair that I buy one for one of YOU.
So - in order to win a copy of Chief Culture Officer by Grant McCracken - please leave me a comment with a link to an interesting fragment of culture - the one I like most gets the book.
Deadline is, oh, say the end of the week.