March 24, 2010
Goodness me doesn't time fly?
It seems like only yesterday I was asking Doug and Sasha what hipsters were at the PSFK NYC conference - but it was almost 2 years ago!
Which means that it's that time of year again - coinciding with buds of hope and enthusiasm that push their way into the world during what Elliot called the 'cruelest month' - PSFK NYC is back on April 9th.
This time it's a gathering for our future, featuring some awesome thinkdoers including:
Rob Walker [if you haven't read Buying In, you should, it's great]
Grant McCracken [ditto on Chief Culture Officer]
Nick Felton [early prophet of personal data viz: creator of the FELTRON report, which you should also check out]
Shantell Martin: awesome vj and installation artist, spent years in Japan, from London
And various other people who create, comment upon and commercialise the culture we all feast upon.