Aggregated Atoms: Little Printer
November 29, 2011
There are a couple of mega trends that have been forming for some time now.
- Content aggregation and curation – in a world of infinite content, brands and people need to find ways to become signals in the noise: see
- Making ATOMS from BITS – turning digital things into physical things – like the MAKERBOT
[UPDATE: Tom sent me a link to this Kickstarter project for a new kind of 3D printer called PrintrBOT.
which reminded me of my two previous posts on 3d printers
BergLondon have just announced a new combination of the two:
[remember – ideas are new combinations - among others]
{BergLondon is a charming prototyping and invention shop in London that works with agencies and clients to concept future things.}
It has just announced the Little Printer – an aggregator/ curator that prints you out a personal daily newspaper:
Connected to the Web, Little Printer has wide range of sources available to check on your behalf. We call them “publications”.
Subscribe to your favourites and choose when you’d like them delivered.
Right on time Little Printer gathers everything it needs to prepare a neat little personalised package, printed as soon as you press the button.
You can get deliveries multiple times a day, but we find once or twice works best–like your very own morning or evening newspaper.
The content can be very personal indeed:
The design is crucial to make content consumable:
Graphic design is at the heart of everything Little Printer delivers, making the most of connectivity and print combined. Rendered in crisp black and white these tactile publications take visual cues from traditional halftone lithography and modern pixel art, whether they’re the latest international news or this week’s gossip from friends.
The fusion of technology, design, content distribution and 3D fabrication is an obvious innovation nexus to keep an eye on.