Emotional Transmissions [Awesome Redux]
December 21, 2011
My mate Jason runs the excellent and very useful Socialfresh.com and I just wrote this thing for them.
I originally thought I was just going to transcribe The Importance of Being Awesome Mashable talk, but as I wrote it became slightly different, focused more specifically on the nature of awesomeness, in content sharing terms.
I especially like the line from Dr Berger [the scientist who did the study that showed that awesomeness was the biggest driver of sharing from NYTimes.com] that unpacks awesomeness, partially, as disrupted expectations about the world -
[expectancy violations seem to trigger both attention and memory as our mental model of the world is forced to edit itself - see this post for more on that]
- and highlights the inherent relationship between emotion and communication:
"Emotion in general leads to transmission"
which is a rather lovely thought to leave you with for the festive season.
So - [after you've been over to SocialFresh to read the whole piece, of course] go have some emotions and tell people about them.
Ho Ho Ho.