BMW Docs: Electronauts: Hold Tight
June 28, 2012
The next sequence of our BMW Documentaries have just launched!
The BMW ActiveE EV launch program was mapped across many years and was always inclusive of the cars and drivers themselves.
The Collective Engineering project wraps the cars and the marketing and the data it creates into a cohesive whole, which will inform and pave the way for the BMWi series of electric cars.
Part of the narrative and strategy for the whole project was to work with pioneers who were interested in beta testing new technologies [cars] and systems [cities] and sharing their learnings.
We call them Electronauts - a nod to the astro- and cosmo-.
They are the stars of this series of films, which show the real stories of real people driving these cars, and offer up non-obvious insights, like the tranquil sensation that electric cars create due to the limited sound.
The Thwaites are awesome.
I love the line about how giving up petrol cars is like giving up smoking.
You can see the other films over on the Activate The Future site.