Let's Get Scenius
Advertising's Benevolent Dictators: Ogilvy

Let's Get Scenius [Live]


Here is the live version of the article below that I performed at Social Media Week NYC and the slides that accompanied the 15 minute talk. 

Followed by the very excellent talks from my mate the very inspiring Shaun Abrahsom, whose book Crowdstorm just came out: 

Crowdstorm: The Future of Innovation, Ideas, and Problem Solving 

[treebook {a coinage of Shaun's}]

Crowdstorm: The Future of Innovation, Ideas, and Problem Solving 

[Kindle Edition]

and the very nice John Bielenberg, founder of Future Partners, who I met on the day. 

I normally don't recite speaches like this, but I tend to enjoy tangents when speaking, so with a 15min slot I thought I would try doing it a little differently...
