Content Is Not King - People Are.
Be More Interactive

How Google Works

This is a LOVELY deck about how companies should operate for the modern age from someone who is very qualified to talk about it - Eric Schmidt. 

He points out that previous management styles aren't just poorly suited to it - they are "dead wrong". Most companies are 'slow by design' which is the opposite of what we need to capitalize on an environment where change is accelerating. 

That "smart creatives" need to have technical understanding, business expertise and creativity and that they need to be given freedom. 

That culture is supremely important. 

That strategy is about foundations and iterations not fixed plans. 

That ideas comes from anywhere, not just an 'idea' department. 

It really is very good indeed. The website and the book are now available.

Looks like a great companion piece to Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration [which is brilliant and ESSENTIAL READING FOR everyone running an agency or agency department.] 
