I'm lucky enough to be a regular keynote speaker all over the world, at a variety of cutural events, conferences, and companies [and the occasional television show / movie] on topics like brands, media, ideas, creativity, communication, technology, culture, content and that.
If you'd like me to speak at your event - drop me a line.
Above is a 15min talk I did for the Mashable Media Summit, in case you wanted a sample.
Below are some events I've spoken at.
I have a simple belief about how to give a talk, which stems from the fact that I've seen hundreds, and they can often by quite...dry.
[To steal from Kurt Vonnegut]
Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
I aim to make it stimulating and fun, so that audience leaves feeling inspired, exhilerated, and ready to roll.
If you'd like me to speak at your event - drop me a line.
Selected Speaking Engagements//
Coverage / Video is linked to where available.
Days of Communication - Croatia - May
The Power of Digital Ideas - ADC - Germany - May
Let's Get Scenius - Social Media Week, NYC, Feb
"My favourite session of the Conference was led by the extremely charismatic, Faris Yakob (@faris)" From here.
NXNEi - North by North East Interactive - Keynote presentation and live on-stage Q&A -Toronto, Canada- June 2012
Creative Week - Panel - Cracking the Creativity Code -New York, USA - May 2012
Gulltaggen - Opening Keynote [other keynotes: Tim Berners-Lee and Clay Shirky] -Oslo, Norway - April 2012
Creative Circus - Opening Keynote [closing keynote was Nick Law] -Sydney, Australia - March 2012 [Review here]
Mashable Media Summit - Keynote
New York, USA - November 2011
TEDXSiliconAlley - TED Talk
New York, USA - October 2011
ITP @ NYU - Guest lecturer at the Interactive Telecommunications Programme [Post-Grad]
NYU, New York, USA - September 2011
Greatest Movie Ever Sold - marketing and branding expert [and consultant on the film] - Morgan Spurlock/Warrior Poets documentary
Worldwide Theatrical Release - August 2011 [Interview with Morgan Spurlock that mentions some of my ideas here.]
IAB Inspiration Conference - Keynote [other keynote Sir Martin Sorrell]
Madrid, Spain - July 2011
SXSWi - South By South West Interactive - PSFK Mobile Salon - Future of Mobile Marketing
Austin, USA - March 2011
Boulder Digital Works - Making Digital Work Masterclass -
New York, USA - December 2010
Pursuit Of Passion - Diversity in Advertising -
Documentary Film by The 4As - October 2010
IAB Mobile Conference - Opening Keynote -
New York, USA - July 2010 [Review here.]
Conversations about the Future of Advertising - Keynote -
Minneapolis, USA - March 2010
Modern Masters - Andy Warhol - BBC Documentary - I was interviewed as a branding and technology expert -
BBC ONE, UK - Aired March 2010
Guldagget - Keynote
Stockhom, Sweden - April 2009
Social Media Week - Opening Keynote - New York, USA -
Summerfest - Keynote
Rotterdam, Netherlands + London, England - June 2009
Internet Week - Keynote
New York, USA - June 2009
Wave Festival - Keynote - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - September 2008
Interesting Conference - History Of Recombinant Culture - New York, USA,
Faris Yakob at Interesting New York from David Nottoli on Vimeo.
Futures of Entertainment 2 - Keynote - MIT, Boston, USA - December 2007
Brands in the Digital World - Keynote - Johanesberg, South Africa - September 2007
Idea Forum - Keynote - Bucharest, Romania - June 2007